This bourgeois eating stuff has to stop!

Come on.. I wish CHETTI’S COW AND CLAM was still around. Everything’s getting so hoity-toity;  por ejemplo, a craft beer joint in this burg called SEDONA. That’s the Sausalito of the desert southwest.Think New Hope, PA. Too cute for words. And alien power loci, too. Go to Roswell if you want *aliens*..

Where can a normal person get a dozen steamers  like you could at CHETTI’S these days? Yeah, the VFWs around Bawlmer have ’em, but that’s one heck of a drive for bivalves. And no local seafood dealers want to carry steamers. And I hardly want to give John Mackey at WHOLE PAYCHECK any of my $$ if I can help it!

Last Week in Baltimore: 2

I went to IGGIE’S PIZZA. Sort of like Sette’s ‘za, but no beer, etc. I had a duck confit, bleu cheese, & asparagus pizza. It was good, but something wasn’t there. I should have tried the one with artichoke pesto.

These folks are too earnest. But they like dogs. They are at 818 N. Calvert.

Iggie's 'za
Duck confit & asparagus pizza from Iggie's

Last week in Baltimore: 1

primals at Ceriello's
Ceriello's collection of primals

Ceriello’s at Belvedere Square Market is great! Richmond just doesn’t get it.


Here are the remains of my Abruzzo panini (from Ceriello’s) and a Saison DuPont: lunch at Gran Cru. The VA ABC couldn’t handle this. Nossir!

Sadly, I could not find a muskrat for Lent at Faidley’s at the Lexington Market. The season is from January 1 – March 15. Que bummer.